12:00 |
Invited Talks (A. Horvat & J.
Park) |
Parallel Sessions (Structure II,
Social Networks I, Epidemics I, Spatial Analysis I, Network Embedding,
Temporal Networks I) |
Parallel Sessions (Biological
Networks II, Dynamics I, Emerging Networks I, Higher-Order Interactions,
Geometric, Theory II) |
Parallel Sessions (Dynamics II,
Ecological Networks, Theory III, ML for Networks I, Social Networks II,
Economic Networks III) |
Parallel Sessions (Emerging Networks II, Epidemics II, Theory V,
Social Media II, Science of Innovation II, System Risk) |
Award Ceremony
Talks of the ER and Euler Awardees |
Parallel Sessions (Network
Inference, Spatial Analysis II, Theory IV, Economic Networks II, ML for
Networks II, Temporal Networks II) |